Meraloma Club
Centenary Legacy Program
The Meraloma Club Centenary Legacy Program is an opportunity for Club alumni and supporters to assist in ensuring that the Club will continue to be able to sponsor amateur sport in Vancouver into its second hundred years. Founded in 1923, the Club is celebrating its first centenary and its rich history in sport.
When you remember the Meraloma Club with a gift in your Will, you make a lasting contribution to amateur sport in Vancouver. Your gift is more than money- it is about having an impact on the future of the Meraloma Club and its goals.
Legacy gifts will help the Club invest in the maintenance and upgrade of Connaught Park fields and clubhouse, replacement and repair of athletic equipment and support and expansion of our youth, men’s and women’s programs.
Those who choose to honour the Club’s First Century by leaving a legacy to the Meraloma Club in their estate will be recognized in an appropriate way in the Clubhouse. Every gift counts and your legacy will ensure your values and passion will inspire future Meralomas for generations to come. You may choose to direct your legacy gift in one or more of several suggested ways:
• for general purposes as determined by the Club’s board of directors
• for ongoing upgrades to the Connaught Park clubhouse
• to be directed for specific or general purposes to one or more of the Club’s sport sections (rugby, field hockey, cricket, soccer, softball, cycling)
• for the development of youth sports
As potential donors you are advised to seek legal assistance when drafting or revising your will to make sure that your wishes are clearly expressed and the Meraloma Club and the intended purpose or purposes of the legacy are accurately and thoroughly described.
Message to All:
We have come so far in the last 100 years. Please help the Club continue its role in the community.
Will Wording
When you draft or revise your will, please provide your lawyer, notary, or advisor with instructions to leave a bequest to: Meraloma Club, a British Columbia society with incorporation #...., 2390 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, BC.
Should a receipt be required for estate tax deductibility the bequest can be made to Sport B.C. for the Meraloma Club. See http://support.bcamateursportfund.org/P0340
If the estate does not require a receipt for tax purposes the bequest can be made directly to the Club.
If you would like to leave a Specific Bequest: (a specific sum of money or property eg. real estate, shares of listed companies, bonds, or other articles):
“I give to the Meraloma Club of 2390 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia (or Sport B.C. for the Meraloma Club, the sum of $ [insert amount]”
“I give to the Meraloma Club of 2390 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia (or Sport B.C. for the Meraloma Club, [insert description of property…” e.g., 100 shares of Royal Bank of Canada]
If you would like to leave a Residual Bequest (all or a percentage of what remains of the estate after paying debts, taxes, expenses, and other bequests)
“I give to the Meraloma Club of 2390 West 10th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia (or Sport B.C. for the Meraloma Club, all (or stated percentage) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate…”
If you would like to leave a Contingent Bequest (a gift that only takes place if you are not survived by certain individuals)
“If (name/s of primary beneficiary/ies) does not survive me, or shall die within thirty (30) days of my death, then I give to the Meraloma Club (or Sport B.C. for the Meraloma Club, (describe amount of cash, property or percentage of residual interest)…”