Meraloma Club AGM - October 21, 2021
Thursday October 21, 630 pm, Meraloma Clubhouse
The status of the club and other important club-wide initiatives will be discussed. The meeting format details have yet to be finalized but should be a combination of in-person and virtual, details follow.
There are three Director positions open for nomination, along with the VP Social Media which is currently vacant. If you’re interested in getting involved at the club level, please contact your sports vp. (Sports VPs are handled separately via each section.) For a current listing of all positions, again please contact your sports VP. All current members in good standing are eligible to attend, vote, and run for any position. Where there currently is an incumbent, a vote of those attending at the meeting will be conducted.
Attending the meeting (Details still be worked out):
As we are limited to a gathering of 50 people, it will be first come first served. We ask that all attending please wear a mask. We will be offering attendance via Zoom so you can view the meeting from home if you wish. If you would like to attend through the zoom portal please send an email to and we will send you a link. We will also be posting the link on our social media channels as well prior to the meeting.
Needless to say, it’s been another year of on-the-fly changes and response to COVID. On the executive side, the work carries on with issues such as the planning for building renovations and the Club 100th Anniversary in the forefront. The clubhouse remains open as per normal times with Health Ministry rules in effect. Your cooperation is appreciated. As always, check with KJ (or your Sports VP can connect you) if interested in booking an event.